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Supporting Projects Through The 147 Club – Bobby Singh’s Story

Home » Supporting Projects Through The 147 Club – Bobby Singh’s Story

The 147 Club supports numerous projects up and down the country. One standout example is the work that WPBSA 1st4Sport Level 2 Snooker Coach Bobby Singh is doing in the Wolverhampton area. We caught up with Bobby to find out more about his snooker development journey so far:

Bobby, how did your local snooker projects get started?

Back in November 2021, I had been keen to start some junior snooker coaching but one or two clubs I had approached had not been receptive to the idea.

A friend rang me one Sunday morning saying: “I’m at the sports and social club down the road from your house, watching my boy playing football and there are kids outside with their parents freezing, watching their siblings running around. There are two snooker tables inside and no-one is using them!  Can you help?!”

So, I ventured along and met with Jan, the Club Steward at the Old Wulfrunians. From the beginning, Jan was supportive and welcomed the idea of junior snooker.  Jan was responsible for transforming the club following the pandemic. She explained that a proposal would have to go before the committee and that would take time.  

What happened next?

I decided to make good use of that time, gaining more coaching experience through engaging in the Cue Zones at World Snooker Tour (WST) events, operated by the Head of Coaching and Training Development Manager for the WPBSA – Chris Lovell.  At the same time, I coached clients of varying abilities within my local club. 

The Cue Zone sessions meant I gained experience working with school groups who attended WST events.  This gave me the chance to coach children of varying abilities, young people with disabilities and vulnerable adults – invaluable for any coach.

During this time, I called EPSB Clubs Lead Bob Hill and we talked about how the EPSB could help as the national governing body, not only in terms of liaising with the club but also with promotional assistance and understanding how to structure a junior club.  One topic we spoke about was the 147 Club scheme, which in my opinion is a fantastic platform not only for clubs but also our sport. 

I was able to explain to the club that joining the national scheme would exemplify a hallmark for a high-quality club and that it offered benefits to any club meeting the standards.  It instils a level of confidence in parents that the club is part of a national programme, demonstrating a safe and welcoming environment for youngsters.

I’m pleased to say the Old Wulfrunians subsequently joined the 147 Club and I am its registered snooker coach and Club Welfare Officer.

How did your junior snooker project get started?

In December 2022, I finally got the green light from Jan to run something in the holidays.  At this point I formed a plan together with the EPSB, who were a tremendous resource and always available to talk to me.   We spoke about getting the local school sports partnership involved.  The support was invaluable! 

With EPSB resources in the form of promotional posters, cues, cases and chalk (which the juniors are still using), further promotional support from my local amateur snooker association, two newspaper articles and one radio show later, Jan and I started the Old Wulfrunians Junior Snooker sessions.

I’m pleased to say the club is going strong and growing!  The juniors love playing snooker!

Have there been any spin-off initiatives through this project?

Yes, the local Active Partnership got in touch with a view to launching snooker sessions for children in the Virtual Schools Network (VSN) where we discussed snooker’s therapeutic value.

I subsequently delivered snooker workshops from Old Wulfrunians, in tandem with the VSN, for children who live with autism and ADHD.   The young people involved came from several local authorities in the Midlands.  Even their teachers got involved!  I believe this might be a first of this type of work within the WPBSA family.

I enjoyed it immensely, even though I was under the examining eye of teachers.  At the end of our sessions they didn’t want to leave, so I took that as a positive!   I hadn’t fluffed my lines – I can’t say the thought of detention really appealed to me!  The feedback was excellent!  Job done.

I also began working alongside a national charity that supports children who have been affected by poverty, abuse, bullying, exploitation and the criminal justice system.  They knew about the junior clubs and wanted to work with me.   I’m proud to say that we are still working together, and the children and their families really enjoy and engage with the sessions.

What would you say to other coaches and clubs looking to get junior snooker started?

The motivation for talking about my snooker development journey so far is to help anyone who is thinking about getting more involved with these types of projects.

I would say: “Go for it!”.  If you’re sitting on the fence, then hopefully you will see that it is possible with the support of the EPSB and the local community networks.  Getting juniors into snooker is definitely something you can achieve and sustain.

If you asked me whether you should give it a go I would say a huge “Yes!  You can and you should!”

How would you sum up your experience so far?

From early knock-backs to running several junior clubs, becoming the first WPBSA Coach delivering snooker sessions within the Virtual Schools Network and working alongside a national charity, I’d say that there’s definitely a tangible desire from youngsters to pick up the sport!  Juniors want to learn and play snooker!

With the support from the EPSB, local Sports Partnerships, local amateur snooker associations, newspapers and local radio stations, anyone wishing to launch a junior club can do so with confidence! 

The 147 Club provides re-assurance to parents, carers and teachers that affiliated snooker clubs are safe and welcoming environments.  And for any coach looking to gain more experience in coaching children before they launch a junior club, look no further than the WST Cue Zones! 


To find out more about setting up junior snooker initiatives, read the project report from the EPSB’s Sport England funded junior snooker programme.

Find out more about the 147 Club.
